

Hi there! We are seven nuts and we call ourselves the Word Nuts because we are Nuts about Words But before I tell you about words, let me tell you about us. My name is Walnut Walle and I’m the supervisor of this nutty merry […]


Shhhhh….I’m talking to you in such a soft voice because my bubbles are sleeping and you do not want to wake them up or they…FIZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ…OH, NO!!! Don’t shake my hand! DON’T SHA… BIM-BUM-BANG-KABOOMMMMM!!! OH MY! Sorry about that…it happens all the time! I am pretty sensitive and […]


Hi ya’ll! It’s me, Fred! I would really appreciate it if you didn’t ask for a ‘side of fries’ when I’m around! The ‘side’ part makes me feel unimportant, when I KNOW that I AM EVERYBODY’s FAVORITE FAST FOOD! I hope you are hearing this, Bernice! I am NO SIDEKICK […]


Hey you! Yeah, YOU! OH MY! Did I scare you with my loud Opera voice? An Opera voice HAS TO BE LOUD, you know? And I want to become an Opera singer, so I have to practice my loud Opera voice ALL THE TIME… Okay, tell me: what is […]


Hola! That’s Spanish for ‘Hi!’ I am feeling crrrunchy, very enerrrgetic and frrresh today! My best amigo Charles loves to rrroll his Rs with me and calls me Brrruno or, sometimes, Superrr Brrruno, probably because I’m always protecting my friends from bullies. I love soccer! I’m always ready to […]


Bonjour! Bonjour! Bonjour! Have you noticed how tall Charles is? And how clever and sweet? Charles is my ‘best buddy’, as they say in English. I’m a strawberry as you can see, and my name is Scarlett. Scarlett rimes with pirouette, that’s French for… pirouette! I love to pirouette! Pirouetting […]


Hi there! How do you do? I can tell that you are a smart kid! I need your opinion: what do you think of my soft peanut butter shirt with raisin buttons? Do you think it’s a good look for a tall stick like me? I hope Strawberry […]